April 2022

The Year 6 children are taking part in the ‘Roots and Shoots’ project where they will learn how to grow vegetables and further develop their understanding of a healthy lifestyle and wellbeing. Here are some photos of Day 1.
Easter Fun!
Supporting our local church with their Lentern Appeal for Ukraine. Over £213 was raised.
Puppy power! A great first day back after the Easter Holidays with a visit from some puppies. Thanks to Susie for bringing them into school this afternoon. 
As everyone connected to school knows, we love spending time extending the curriculum to working outside through lessons, Forest Schools and breaktime clubs. After the winter and storms a lot of TLC was needed to bring our wildlife area back to life and this working group has been led by Mrs Chisholm during the Easter holiday and at weekends. Big thanks also goes to to Northumbria Garden Machinery ( Sarah Aspin ) Chris MCcann Builders and Geoff Murdoch for their donations of wood and pallets.